These last few days haven’t seemed real. Everytime I go to write this I have to stop and start again cause I can’t find the words to express how much you really meant to me and I still can’t accept it that your not here. I can’t imagine a life without you Nana and this isn’t going to be easy but your with Papa now and I know that your not suffering. Give him a squeeze for me. I love you both more than you’d ever know. One day we’ll meet again.
Love you Nana ❤️
One of my biggest regrets was not taking the time to say a few words at my Dads celebration of life so I didnt want to let that opportunity to slip by again. You cant talk about one without remembering the other because mom and dad were inseparable. The only thing that could keep them apart was death and that was only temporary. The relationship that Mom and Dad had was such a big influence on me and my relationships with people. Mom and Dad showed me how to love and how to be sacrificial. They made me feel like family and integrity are everything and so I try to model my life after them. Growing up we didn't have a lot of money but I never ever felt that we went without. I think that was because what we lacked in materialistic things it was made up for with wonderful memories. Memories like spending summers at Valens fishing and camping are some of my most favorite. One of my favorite memories of Dad was when he kept me out of school to go trout fishing. What kid wouldn't love that no school and fishing with their Dad. I got my love of cooking and baking from Mom. I would sit in the kitchen watching her bake something and waiting patiently to get to lick the beater. She was a great cook and we certainly never went without good meals. My dads physique attested to that. Mom didn't say it a lot or show it a lot but I know she loved us all. She also wasnt one to baby us and didnt pour out affection all the time but I never doubted her love for us. Sandi and I have a little joke between us. "Take your medicine and go to bed" mom would say that to me when I sick. It drives Sandi crazy because when she is ill she wants to be babied but I just say take your medicine and go to bed. I often remember an event in my life where i ended up in the ICU in Hamilton General. And while laying there in pain, I wanted no one more than Sandi and my Mom to be there. I didn't need her there because I needed her to do something or say anything I just needed her there because sometimes no matter how old you are you just need your Mom. Mom always worried about everyone and Rhonda most of all because aside from Dad she was without a doubt her best friend. When Dad passed away Rhonda and I were blessed to have Mom move closer to us. I felt that she needed to be near to me so that I could take care of the things that Dad would normally take care of like if something broke i could repair it or if her Tv settings got messed up or hang pictures. I wanted her close by for Rhonda too because they needed each other more than ever. Having Mom close by gave me a new relationship with her. I got to see her so much more and because of that I felt we became much closer. I am so grateful for the years that I got having my Mom close to me I have many more memories of her than I would have otherwise. I got to see a new her, a strong and independent woman, a talented woman. I know she missed my dad a lot but she learned how to thrive in her new life. Her strength was shown a year and a half ago when she had a brain tumour removed and through all of the complications that came from it she fought her way back. She showed it again when she was told the brain tumour was from lung cancer that had metastasized and that she likely had 6 months to live. She lived a good and full life for about 18 months and fought to the end. She would say she wanted to die after Dad passed but i never believed it. She was a fighter too strong to give up. When the end came we werent there but I was so grateful that only a few hours before she passed Rhonda and I were able to say our good byes. She is with Dad now and now starts the task of us having to find out way through life without them. It is going to be hard because no matter how old you are sometimes all you want is your Mom. I love you both and will miss you always.
I will miss my friend Susan very much.
Will miss the many chats and cups of tea that we had under the maple tree in Greta’s garden.
Susan was a devoted mum, nana and great nana.
Susan will be a big miss in my life.
Esther Douglas Parker.
Susan Grigsby was married to my 2nd cousin Eddie (Red) Grigsby. Susan was a quiet, individual who I shared good moments with her at her apartment. Her love for 'Red' and their children was a very important role in her life. Remember the good times and that her love for you will give you peace.
Edith (Edie) Mountjoy (nee Walton).